What happens after I place an order for custom development?
To work on your store we need Administrator access and an API account, instructions for granting access are below.
Add support@ as Store Admin on your BigCommerce store
To add support@flairconsultancy.com as a Store Administrator to your website:
- Go to Account Settings > Users
- Click on Create a User Account
- Enter support@flairconsultancy.com next to Email
- Change the User Role to Store Administrator
- Click Save at the bottom of the screen
Create an API account
Please create an API account for us to use by following the instructions below.
- Log into the control panel of your store (If you have more than one user, make sure you use the store owner's credentials)
- Go to Settings > API > Store-level API Accounts
- On the API Accounts page, click Create API Account > Stencil-CLI Token
- Under Name enter flair
- Under Stencil-CLI access level, select publish theme
- Click Save (at the bottom of the browser window) The details will be displayed in a pop up modal, from which you can copy the Access Token and Terminal Quickstart values. Your browser should also download a .txt file that contains the information we need.
- Please send the Access Token and Terminal Quickstart string to support@flairconsultancy.com
How we schedule jobs
We're sometimes asked for more info about our Job Turnaround options (within 3/7/14 days) and scheduling.
To find out when your job will be started and completed, please see this article: How We Schedule Jobs