Release Notes (Brick Lane)
Check here for details of updates, fixes and new feature releases for the theme.
1.2.2 (May 1, 2024)
- General spacing improvements to the additional checkout buttons
- Pattern Swatches on product cards not displaying correctly
1.2.1 (Nov 07, 2023)
- The infinite scroll button was preventing Google from crawling pages correctly
- Cart quantity wasn't being updated on mobile
- Below category products page builder region wasn't displaying correctly
1.2.0 (Sep 12, 2023)
- Option to align content or offset the layout
- Webpack to version 5 to support Node 18
- Replace AddThis component with provider sharing links
- Adjusted the way sale tags are generated
- Newsletter popup integration
- Default product sorting was not working on search pages
- Recaptcha issue on password reset page
- Store logo being blurry
- The header had extra space when it had both top navigation and a top banner
- Videos entered via WYSIWYG editor changing the PDP layout
- Paypal Credit banners now appear correctly in all regions
- Additional checkout buttons now appear correctly in all regions
1.1.0 (Feb 14, 2023)
- Option to use Taggbox Instagram feed without having to install the third party app
- Alert colors can be changed in theme editor
- Bug fix stream in custom CSS options - Resource hints for CDN helper to improve page speed load times
- Provided a full width page template for webpages
- Store address and phone number now appears in footer (if set up control panel)
- Resource hints for CDN helper to improve page speed load times
- Option to upload newsletter popup image via the image manager in store control panel
- New theme editor panel layout
- Text inputs in theme editor now allow more than 64 characters
- Cookie message design and layout. It also uses store color scheme now
- Replace schema microdata with LD+JSON tag
- Newsletter was too narrow on large screens
- Logo was getting cut off if top navigation was applied with a store banner using bottom position
- Product name on PDP was getting cut off on scroll when top navigation was applied
- "Shop by Price" filter now appears as expected on Category Page
- Google AMP support as BigCommerce are phasing out support in the control panel
1.0.1 (Aug 2, 2022)
- Option to use system fonts in the theme for better performance
- Option to use custom Google font strings
- Option to use custom CSS files
- Options to hide global banners in different page types
- Header display issues when navigation set to top of the page
- Spacing issue with category sort box
- Global banner is now global
- Pagination display issue
- Element animations on scroll now work when enabled
- Swatches now show on cards globally when enabled
1.0.0 (Aug 1, 2022)
- Initial release