Colors (Kings Road)
Configure your store colors and branding in this panel. In your control panel, go to Storefront > Themes, click the blue "Customize" button to launch Theme Editor, then select the "Theme Styles" icon. In the left hand column of the Theme Editor, click the panel labelled 'Colors'.
Banner Colors
Setting |
Description |
Banner background |
Choose the color of the background behind the text on a banner.
Banner text color |
Choose the color of the text on a banner.
Primary Page Colors
Setting |
Description |
Page background |
The background color of the entire site is changed. It has no effect on the color of the header or footer backgrounds. |
Page text color |
Choose the color of the body text. |
Headings text color |
Choose the color of the headings text. |
Secondary Page Colors
Setting |
Description |
Secondary text color |
Changes the color of text used as subtitles.
Line color |
Changes the color of lines to divide certain sections of your store.
Modal overlay background |
Changes the color of dark backgrounds, such as the block that appears when a customer adds a product to their shopping cart or uses quick view.
Alert popup box background color |
Changes the color of popup messages and alerts.
Setting |
Description |
Link color |
This color will be used for hyperlinks created on webpages.
Link hover color |
The color that appears when the cursor hovers over a link.
Link active color |
When a user clicks a link, the color changes. This may appear quickly or not at all in some browsers.
Primary Action Button
Setting |
Description |
Text color |
Choose the color of the text inside the button.
Text hover color |
Choose the color of the text in the button when you hover a cursor over it.
Text active color |
Choose the color of the text in the button when you click on it. |
Background color |
Choose the background color of the button.
Background hover color |
Choose the background color of the button when you hover a cursor over it.
Background active color |
Choose the background color of the button when you click on it.
Border color |
Choose the color of the border around the button.
Border hover color |
Choose the color of the border around the button when you hover a cursor over it.
Border active color |
Choose the color of the border around the button when you click on it.
Secondary Action Button
Setting |
Description |
Text color |
Choose the color of the text inside the button.
Text hover color |
Choose the color of the text in the button when you hover a cursor over it.
Text active color |
Choose the color of the text in the button when you click on it. |
Background color |
Choose the background color of the button.
Background hover color |
Choose the background color of the button when you hover a cursor over it.
Background active color |
Choose the background color of the button when you click on it.
Border color |
Choose the color of the border around the button.
Border hover color |
Choose the color of the border around the button when you hover a cursor over it.
Border active color |
Choose the color of the border around the button when you click on it.
Disabled Button
Setting |
Description |
Text color |
Choose the color of the text inside the disabled button.
Background color |
Choose the background color of the disabled button.
Border color |
Choose the color of the border around the disabled button.
Form Labels
Setting |
Description |
Label text color |
The color of the form labels that appear above text boxes or product option selections can be changed.
Input Fields
Setting |
Description |
Text color |
Select the text color that appears within a text box.
Background color |
Select the color that appears behind the text in a text box.
Border color |
Select the border color for drop down menus, text boxes, and rectangle multiple-choice buttons.
Border active color |
Select the color of the border around dropdown menus, text boxes, and rectangle multiple-choice buttons when you click to enter text or make a selection.
Disabled background color |
Select the color of a choice when it’s not selectable.
Checkboxes & Radio Buttons
Setting |
Description |
Icon color |
Select the color of the checkmark on checkboxes, or the dot on radio buttons.
Background color |
Select the color of the box behind the check mark or radio dot.
Border color |
Select the color of the border around the checkbox/radio button.
Setting |
Description |
Info alert color |
Select the text color that appears within an info alert box.
Info alert background |
Select the color that appears behind the text in an info alert box.
Error alert color |
Select the text color that appears within an error alert box.
Error alert background |
Select the color that appears behind the text in an error alert box.
Success alert color |
Select the text color that appears within a success alert box.
Success alert background |
Select the color that appears behind the text in a success alert box.
Warning alert color |
Select the text color that appears within a warning alert box.
Warning alert background |
Select the color that appears behind the text in a warning alert box.
Setting |
Description |
Header background color |
Choose the color that appears behind the logo.
Utility Navigation
Setting |
Description |
Text/icon color |
Choose the color of the top-right links including Search, Login and Cart.
Text/icon hover color |
Choose color of the top-right links when a cursor hovers over them.
Dropdown background color |
Choose the color of the dropdown when Cart is clicked.
Dropdown border color |
Choose color of border around the dropdown when Cart is clicked.
Cart counter background color |
Choose the background color of the circle that appears next to the Cart link.
Cart counter text color |
Choose the text color of the circle that appears next to the Cart link.
Main Navigation
Setting |
Description |
Navigation bar background color |
The color behind the top level navigation text.
Navigation bar border color |
The color of border around the top level navigation.
Navigation link color |
The color of the top navigation text.
Navigation link hover color |
The color of the top navigation text when a cursor hovers over them.
Dropdown background color |
The color of the dropdown when a category has subcategories.
Dropdown border color |
The color of border around the dropdown when a category has subcategories.
Dropdown link color |
The color of the dropdown text when a category has subcategories.
Dropdown link hover color |
The color of the text in the dropdown when a cursor hovers over them.
Mobile Navigation
Setting |
Description |
Mobile navigation background color |
The color behind the top level navigation text on smaller devices.
Mobile navigation link color |
The color of the top navigation text on smaller devices.
Icon Colors
Setting |
Description |
Icon color |
Choose the color of the share icons on the product page.
Icon hover color |
Choose the color displayed when the cursor hovers over a share icon on the product page.
Rating empty icon color |
Choose the color of the star icons that are empty in a star rating display.
Rating full icon color |
Choose the color of the star icon rating that gets counted.
Setting |
Description |
Background color |
Select the color of the background in the footer.
Footer heading color |
Select the text color of all headings in the footer.
Footer text color |
Select the color for all text in the footer.
Footer link color |
Select the color for hyperlinks in the footer.
Footer link hover color |
Select the color displayed when a cursor hovers over a link in the footer.
Footer link active color |
Select the color that displays when a user clicks a link in the footer. This may display quickly and may not appear at all on some browsers.
Footer icon color |
Select the color of social media icons in the footer.
Footer icon hover color |
Select the color displayed when the cursor hovers over a social media icon.
Footer button color |
Choose the background color of the button. |
Footer button hover color |
Choose the background color of the button when you hover a cursor over it.
Footer button active color |
Choose the background color of the button when you click on it.
Footer button text color |
Choose the color of the text inside the button. |
Footer button text hover color |
Choose the color of the text in the button when you hover a cursor over it. |
Footer button text active color |
Choose the color of the text in the button when you click on it. |
Footer button border color |
Choose the color of the border around the button.
Footer button border hover color |
Choose the color of the border around the button when you hover a cursor over it.
Footer button border active color |
Choose the color of the border around the button when you click on it.
Simple Footer
Setting |
Description |
Simple footer newsletter background color |
Select the color of the background in the simple footer.
Simple footer newsletter heading color |
Select the text color of the heading in the simple footer.
Simple footer newsletter text color |
Select the color for all text in the simple footer.
Loading Indicators
Setting |
Description |
Page loading bar |
The color of the page loading bar.
Spinner light half |
The color of the empty portion of the spinner.
Spinner dark half |
The color of the filled portion of the spinner.
Modal loading background |
The color of the loading overlay.
Product thumbnail loading background |
The color of the thumbnail background, also appears while a thumbnail image loads.
Product Cards
Setting |
Description |
Product card background |
The color behind the image on the product card. It's important to remember this will be seen depending if using a cut-out image or different aspect ratios.
Product title color |
The color of the product name on the product card.
Product title hover color |
The color of the product name on the product card when you hover a cursor over it.
Product card icon color |
The color of the icons when you hover a cursor over the product card.
Product card icon hover color |
The color of the icon when you hover it.
Default price color |
The color of the default price text.
None sale price color |
The color of the none sale price text.
Sale price color |
The color of the sale price text.